Altruism Counseling


July 22, 2024
Signs of Alcoholism

What is the difference between frequent alcohol use and an alcohol use disorder? It’s not always easy to answer that question. After all, your opinion of that might differ from your sister’s, or your father’s. Your wife might insist you have a problem because you go out for drinks almost every night, but for you, […]

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June 17, 2024
Is A DUI A Felony

Driving under the influence is a huge gamble. Not only are there serious safety risks, but legal consequences too. And when these gambles are taken over and over again – eventually, you lose. In the United States, more than two-million people have multiple DUI convictions, many of those at the felony level. This highlights a […]

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May 20, 2024
How Long Does A DUI Stay on Your Record

“It’s only been a few drinks, I’m fine…” We’ve all heard these words – from friends, family, or ourselves. Yet alcohol can quickly impair your judgment, making it impossible to know whether or not it’s safe to drive. Even a couple of drinks can push you past the legal limit, and driving under the influence […]

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May 26, 2018
Medications Used to Treat Opiod Disorder

Studies show that people with opioid use disorder who follow detoxification with complete abstinence are very likely to relapse, or return to using the drug.10 While relapse is a normal step on the path to recovery, it can also be life threatening, raising the risk for a fatal overdose.11 Thus, an important way to support […]

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